REDS 1/10 Factory Selected Motors.

REDS Racing is pleased to launch the new 1/10 VX 540 Factory Selected electric motors.
REDS VX Selected Versions are hand built with the top 5% tested motors of every batch. Each motor is hand assembled, shimmed and tested by our tech’s. Timing, KV and AMP are tested on the dyno for maximum performance. Few companies have been so consistently identified with the pursuit of excellence, the quest for the absolute, the discovery of original approaches and innovative solutions. REDS Motors have proved themselves from the start in the most extreme conditions imaginable on the race track. And to ensure that all REDS Motors can live up to these high expectations, every single one is tested to extremes before it is allowed to leave the REDS site.
Meets all ROAR, EFRA, BRCA specs. Available models: 10.5T, 13.5T, 17.5T, 21.5T
